Body Dysmorphic Disorder!

Well, this time last years I swore my waist would be smaller. The time is quickly approaching to board the plane to Calgary and I am the same size!

While it is true that I fit the air plane seat last year and will this year the question still remains, for how long? After all the seat width is only 17 inches! Have you looked at your ass lately? One more airline cut back and none of us will fit!

There was an interesting show on Dr. Oz yesterday. It was about this misogynistic guy who fat shames women and encourages other men to do the same. It made me question how many people think the same but are just being politically correct. I have experienced just such shaming. Not only by strangers but by well meaning family members. “I am only telling you for your own good”. Every fat girl has experienced this. Some how people think we have no mirrors. I may have a bit of body dysmorphic disorder, as do most people when they see a photograph of themselves. Who of us has not criticized a photo? But really people, do you think we are unaware? I had a guy call me a fat cow one day. I look at him shocked ” I am! Oh, thank God you told me. I could have walked around for years and not known!”  I pride myself with having a little bit of sarcasm in my tone. Somehow the people like this F tard on Dr. Oz thinks he is providing a public service. “you know, FAT people cost the health care system millions of dollars!” So do morons that verbally abuse people, now we need a shrink! I am always astonished that people even have room to criticize. I have a few questions for them.

1) do you have a perfect diet, (weight does not reflect that, millions of skinny people have a crappy diet.)

2) do you exercise 5 days a week?

3) are you reckless or aggressive when you drive? Do you speed?

4) do you drink alcohol or use recreational drugs?

5) are you a nasty piece of work, angry?

6) do you really know how to relax?

7) do you smoke, ANYTHING?

If there is a yes to any of the above then I think they too may be a drain on the health care system.

You see, the only difference between me and them is that my problem is visible to the world. I can’t hide it. I can’t deny it. I can’t lie about it. But shaming me will not help. EVER.

Oh, and about that guy on Dr. Oz. Well, I tweeted Dr. Oz to say thank you for stopping the fat shaming. And the guy that was on Oz tweeted me back. He said to me Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Yup, I’m not kidding.

I wonder if it would be ok to walk up to very skinny girls, giggle and ask them if they would like me to buy them a burger? You never hear people say to emaciated girls in the mall ” YOU are to skinny!” People may notice, they may even whisper about it. But never would they have the guts to walk up to them like they do me.

What gives people? Lets stop all this fat shaming! I for one will be giving people a tongue lashing if I hear it again.

4 thoughts on “Body Dysmorphic Disorder!

  1. Well said my friend!!! Its amazing to me that grown adults think it is ok to bully others. We would never tolerate this kind of verbal abuse toward a child, I do enough negative self talk and dont need anyone elses opinion. Stay strong my friend!!!!


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